Formatting Guidelines

Leading and trailing whitespace

Data fields should be stripped of any possible leading or trailing whitespace. For example, consider the following "Outcomes" data field for an event from January 2022's report:

The trailing whitespace above results in the following once the report is generated:

Whitespace is preserved. Please make sure it is intended.

Font family and size

  • Template provided: If a template is provided, then please use the font family and font size specified in the template. All templates use the Times New Roman font family and have a font size of 16. The unusual size of 16 is due to a peculiarity regarding the text editors moXse uses. When Times New Roman is selected as the font, a font size of 16 actually corresponds to a font size of 12 for the report in Microsoft Word.
  • No template provided: If a template is not provided, then please simply enter text into the text editor without altering the default font family or font size (i.e., you can simply start entering text as you normally would).


Please use the following date format for all dates in your report: m/d/y. For example, the long form date November 8, 2020 should be reported as 11/8/2020.


  • Structure: Please do not alter the general structure of a template if one is provided. A template is meant to be filled in (i.e., the template's structure should not be extended or recreated).
  • Content
    • Additions: Please use the provided template(s) to aid you in the process of completing your report. Placeholder text has been provided which you can easily overwrite in order to provide details pertinent to your site.
    • Deletions: If you have more templates than you need or do not need a template at all (e.g., you only have 2 Core activities to report on, your program does not receive PT funding, etc.), then please delete the extra templates or remove all content from the text box if the reporting field does not apply to your site.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions below appear by category. In general, a category's most frequently asked questions appear at the top of the category listing. Don't see your question listed? Consider submitting a ticket to receive assistance from an SE AETC staff member.

General Inquiries

What does it mean for a report to be locked or not editable?

You may expect for your site's monthly narrative report to be locked, and hence not editable, once the due date for the report has passed. The primary reason for this feature is to ensure historical accuracy when referring back to partner reports previously used by the central office to complete reports submitted to HRSA. If your report has been locked but you realize you need to update it, then you should send an email to requesting that your report be temporarily unlocked in order for you to make the necessary updates.

How can I access a Microsoft Word version of the new online form?

If your site's workflow functions best by completing the Microsoft Word form offline, then you can download the Monthly Narrative Report Template and complete it accordingly.

Note: If you decide to go this route (i.e., completing the form offline as a Microsoft Word document), then you will be responsible for ensuring everything included in your offline report makes it into moXse by the report's deadline. Since this will necessarily involve a fair amount of copying, pasting, and wrestling with some styling issues, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the new online system. But you are welcome to complete Microsoft Word document and port over its contents to moXse if that works best for your site.


Is it possible to treat multiple events as a single event for reporting purposes? No

No. Since the prior form of reporting was not tied to the event record in any way, anything was possible in terms of the content included. Now that the information is being pulled directly from the event record, each event being reported on must be an actual event.

If you need to capture more information about an event(s), then consider supplying additional comments for an event in the "Additional Comments" field under the "Administration" tab on an event's update page. If you still need to provide more details, then consider supplying these details in the "What else would you like to share with the central office or HRSA?" field on the appropriate form for a month's narrative report.

Is it possible to see what events will look like in the report after selecting them under the "Administration" tab? No

No. The prior form of reporting involved preloading data fields with static HTML table templates like the following:

These templates are no longer static but dynamic—an event's activity table is dynamically and conditionally assembled when the monthly report to HRSA is generated. Specifically, the following fields always appear for each event:

  • Date
  • No. Participants
  • Title
Each field below appears in an event's activity table if the field is non-empty (note the inclusion of the new "Impact statements" field):
  • Presenter(s)
  • Objectives
  • Outcomes
  • Impact statements
  • Additional comments
Currently, the dynamic assembly of an event's activity table cannot be done within moXse directly. But you can effectively monitor which events you are reporting on each month by visiting the "Events Dashboard" tab—there you can view all of the data fields that will get pulled into each event's activity table.

Tips and Tricks

Copying from Microsoft Word and pasting to moXse effectively

Press Ctrl+Shift+V (or Cmd+Shift+V on Mac) to paste "clean text" from Microsoft Word into moXse. Doing this removes formatting from MS Products.